Thursday 8 November 2012

NaNoWriMo-Day 8!

Dear lovely readers,

I hope you're enjoying your day or night or afternoon,
or somewhere in between, or mayyyybeeeee you're enjoying your morning at night or afternoon or any of that jazz. Hey, I support those beautiful individuals who want to stay up late until it becomes early, sleep til' 4 pm and eat cereal. You guys have a spot in my personal hall of fame.

So, Guys, day 8- and I'm  at 19,071 words^^
And also, Apparently, Scott Westerfield is on the list for pep talks this month! That's so crazy, I love his uglies series~ Which I faithfully ready up until I finished the series in grade 8. I just loved the ideas he had! Can't wait to read his pep talk.

Sorry guys, I would write more, but I'm especially tired today^^' Well, maybe tomorrow~