Saturday 10 November 2012

NaNoWriMo-10th day post, and Play writing~

Dear lovely Readers,

It is the 10th day of Nano, and I WAS going to write yesterday- but due to a headache from writing, I avoided it. Well, as of today I've beaten my weekend goal for words and realized I obviously need to set higher word goals for myself^^' But here I am at 23,019 words. How many do all of you have? :D Are we losing our minds yet? That's probably a good thing nowadays.
Uhm, that being said, I've been running on little sleep as of late due to spider paranoia. I don't like spiders, and I found 3 of them in my room in the last couple of days. One crawled up my leg and unto my laptop screen. I've been living, however barley, off of Orange Pekoe tea. Ahh, Tea.
I've added a new musician to my list for Nano songs, and that's Gavin degraw. I love his music, especially the  songs 'Chariot' and ' I don't wanna be.'
I need to start doing some more exercise now, I think I'm gaining a bit of weight here-and maybe that's to be expected but I'm not to fond of that idea.

In other news, I got accepted into a day a week play writing youth program!~
Awkward pockward, My best friend's ex-who's also one of my friends-was accepted in as well. So I'll be seeing a lot of him I guess^^ It's awkward pockward, and it shouldn't even be, but that's teenage s*** I suppose. Anyhow, I'm looking forward to doing two different kinds of writing this month. Actually, this month-the rest of it- promises to be busy and have some unexpected turns. My first class for this program is this coming Monday~

Thanks for reading,