Sunday 21 October 2012

NaNoWriMo, or- The reason for this blog

Dear lovely readers,

For those of you who are unaware of the National  Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) it's a month long literary abandon during the month of November. I heard about this adventure from a friend last year, and basically, in 30 days you write a 50,000 word novel. I decided, since one of my goals is to publish a book before I turn 18, I'm going to participate this year. I don't really know what to personally expect of the experience, so I'm going to keep this little blog for when I've been driven nuts, as I hear that's bound to happen.
October is the prep month before the big 30 day write, and I happened to start a tad late, so I've been working the last few days to come up with characters and a plot. I'm already experiencing a wide array of emotions. From excited, to defeated, to excited, to frustrated by my lack of plotted conflict, to scared, to mentally exhausted-but still,somehow in the pits of it all-Excited.
What I'm thankful for is that I have a friend, and we are newbies at this together. We can both go to the library and write, and we can compare ideas and basically discuss things out if we're having trouble. We're aiming for a common goal.
One thing I'm looking forward to is writing everyday for a reason. Not just the free-lance poetry, one-act, English homework writing I do everyday; But something apart of a greater whole and goal.
I'm not looking forward to lack of sleep, and having almost literally no life. I think it'll all be worth it, however!