Sunday, 25 November 2012

NaNoWriMo- Day 25, The type up and finish

Dear Lovely Readers,

Last night, at 8:32 pm, I finished writing my novel.
Am I done yet, though? No. I'm not. The work is not over until the write-up becomes the time up and the words are in for the count.
However, last night, holding the end in my hands, I felt elated. Also, kind of like, I couldn't believe these past days seem like forever, and that they were really so short. Then it was like, well I'm glad I'm not actually done until I actually publish my novel, which involves months of editing. :) I don't want to be done in the land of Albatross just yet^^

Before the month started, during the prep period,  I read up a bunch of articles on how to go about doing NaNoWriMo, what kind of prep work should be done, what are the benefits of doing NaNoWriMo, and all of that. If I could pick out 3 things to say I've learned from this experience,they would be:
1. To trust myself as a writer
2. Commitment
3. and lastly,  I've learned a lot about my writing styles. For example, I have a tendency to develop minor background details, then dash into extravagant in the moment details.

Being my first year, I don't have a whole lot to say for pearls of wisdom, but there's something I read in one of those articles which was 'Write the story you would want to read,' that I think is a good start! Also, I'd tell the newer wrimos to experiment, invent, and destroy. (EID) Ha, look at me trying to come up with a fancy acronym for something I totally just made up on the spot!~  Back to that, though. Experiment with your characters, invent a full profile for them, and if they aren't working out, destroy or change the parts you can't stand about them. (You don't have to edit parts to do this. I didn't.) My playwriting teacher calls this 'Transformation."

Yeah, you know, I think I'm going to do this again next year. In the meantime, I've got more work to do!